Welcome to Exmouth Indoor Market website - the social hub of our community, right in the heart of Exmouth.
Thousands of people visit Exmouth Market each week - to meet friends and family, to eat and drink, to work, and to enjoy their leisure time. Easily accessible from the Town Centre, with 30+ stores offering a great selection of Fashion, Food and Fun.
Situated near a large car park, signposted on all major routes into the town, and has over 300 spaces with designated disabled parking. For information please call us on 01395 264 347
Special Offers

Exmouth Indoor Market has been operating since July 1980. The Market has 30 stalls offering a wide selection of goods from fresh local produce to a wide range of gift ideas. The Market offers a lot of variety and colour all under one roof.
Exmouth has a lively town centre and is one of Devon’s larger urban areas. It has a busy shopping centre, an indoor market and shops of many kinds catering for all tastes.
Exmouth Market was the brainchild of local garage owner Michael Miller. He had taken over the family business in 1966 when his father died.
After many years, Michael decided to shut the garage and gambled on a new venture - Creating a indoor market. Then in July 1980 the doors were open! For the last 20 years Michael's son Jerry took over the running of the market.
Jerry said " People would continue to be able to test out business ideas in the smaller units. In the past several had succeeded and expanded into town. "

Exmouth Indoor Market
12 The Strand,
Email: jerrymiller69@yahoo.co.uk
Tel: 01395 264 347
Exmouth Indoor Market
New opening times
from 12th April 2021
Monday to Saturday
9am - 5pm